An unusual year ends leaving enough teachings on business issues and outsourcing business was no exception. That is why Jeffrey Mora, one of the most outstanding entrepreneurs of the last decade in the outsourcing field tells us how he has managed to cope with the consequences of the pandemic Covid-19 and expectations for 2021.
Human Talent; the key to sustaining business
It is clear that Covid-19 appeared in the world to strike firmly and tell humanity that certain habit and customs had to be changed. But Jeffrey Mora had a hunch and was able to foresee what could happen and lessen the damage.
“When Covid started in the world, at the beginning of 2020 and we didn’t know much about it, I said that this year was going to be survival. The effect of the pandemic affected us in June and July and not in March as other segments. The first thing we did was manage the human part of the teams, trying to keep as many talents as possible in order to get out of the crisis faster”, stated Jeffrey Mora proudly.
Commercial and Technological Strengthening: vital support to clients
According to Mora one of the segments hardest hit by the economic crisis caused by the pandemic has been the commercial department. While new clients have come to the company thanks to the opportunity that were presented, they have also given up due to the consequences of the recession.
“Unfortunately, in this they are casualties, but we have had to enhance some services and strengthen the technological part and help clients with issue of costs.
STT has been characterized by that, helping our clients and what better way to do it that at this stage and above all by delivering all possible service guarantees”, highlighted Mora.
Contingency of 2021
For Grupo STT it has been one of the years with the greatest opportunities for improvement because it was able to implement and analyze telework policies and technology; aside from striving for continued excellence which we have always stressed; as well as a great dose of teamwork.
According to Mora, you should always have contingency plans but you cannot prevent a crisis, however, having a plan you can reduce the impact considerably. Studies have to be carried out to learn about different environments.
“One should settle and make outlines of what is happening in each country. Each challenge is individual but at the same time collective, trying to keep the structure. Thanks to God we have been able to recover many proposals that were frozen using aggressive business strategies and quality of service.
We hope to recover and increase business in 2021; we have reformulated things and implemented tactics as telework with the purpose of strengthening the quality of life of the workers and at the same time taking care of ourselves”, stated Mora.
Who is Jeffrey Mora?
Jeffrey Mora Monge is a business administrator, family man of three and grandfather of a granddaughter. He loves sports. He likes to study and currently is undertaking his third Master´s Degree related to Executive Coaching.
Jeffrey Mora at 22 founded Grupo STT with the purpose of giving support to clients looking for flexibility in their areas. His first client was a gym where he kept the company´s accounting. Hence, JEMO Services was born, consulting firm specialized in accounting and financial matters belonging to holding GBS Data Corporation.
To this day, Jeffrey Mora Monge is the corporate president and CEO of the conglomerate that turns 21, offering the best Service, Talent and Work.