Companies in general, whether small, medium or large, can obtain multiple benefits using cloud computing. For those who are not very familiar with the subject, we can define this cloud computing term such as service virtualization via internet on demand, this means, according to the request, requirement or specialization of the service that each of the companies require and put in on a global platform for easy access.
Cloud platforms allow us to store data through servers where the data is housed in virtual storage spaces instead of physical; it offers the possibility to manage the content of the files from anywhere, somewhat contrary to what happens with internal computer storage, which you can easily access, but you need to take it wherever you go.
A recent study of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) identified that small and medium-sized companies adopting IT infrastructure in the cloud gain competitiveness in the market, which is correct since in the past companies had to make an investment in time and financially to have an infrastructure and host their services, while the cloud services offer economy in platform maintenance. It is scalable, this means that the tools can grow based on service according to the client´s needs and guarantees 24/7 high availability standards. It is also possible to create, modify, read, write and organize files in a digital infrastructure.
According to the company´s needs, there are different options in terms of cloud platforms; may vary by time of use, users, storage space, even types of services or more customized packages adaptable to applications or infrastructure.
Companies can fully migrate their technology platforms, regardless of the business sector. Personally, our devices can be sync automatically and keep all our files available in our laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.
More and more companies are migrating to cloud services, but in some cases the lack of education and information of the users about security can leave information vulnerable.
For this, the following security measures are recommended:
1. Credential optimization, people normally use weak passwords, it is suggested to go the platforms that can help you define strong passwords and of course take into account how you store these credentials. If they are written down, do so in safe places.
2. Only use trusted pages, software and apps, read the terms when you are installing a program or downloading an application.
3. It is always important to have a software or antimalware that updates automatically.
Companies that want to carry out a migration to cloud storage shall take into account the cost/benefit, undertake a survey of the information assets to be migrated as databases, servers, applications and define a migration and implementation process and schedule.
In this aspect, Grupo STT is more advanced than many companies nationally and internationally, since 100% of the platforms are cloud, therefore the challenges regarding the issue have already been overcome.
Without a doubt, the cloud continues to consolidate as an essential resource in companies, since storing data securely through service providers allows to shorten times, save money and have a greater response capacity.
Paola Alexandra Urrutia
Community Manager Regional